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Internal and External Productivity Improvement

Production scheduling optimization streamlines external relationships, while lotting and sequencing optimization increases in-plant efficiency.

Stock and Order Optimization

Reduces costs by keeping stock levels and order fulfillment rates at optimum levels.

Maximum Efficiency of Operations

It provides complete control over processes, minimizing errors, waiting and unnecessary transportation.

Production Scheduling and Lotting

It offers optimum solutions for one of the biggest challenges: production scheduling and sequencing-lotting.

Fast and Accurate Customer Responses

By promoting internal order and standardization, it provides the capacity to respond immediately to customer demands.

Integrated Supply Chain

It enables a flexible supply chain by focusing on all processes from the first link to the last link.

İç ve Dış Verimlilik Artışı

Üretim günleme optimizasyonu dış ilişkileri düzenlerken, lotlama ve sıralama optimizasyonu fabrika içi verimliliği arttırır.

Stok ve Sipariş Optimizasyonu

Stok seviyelerini ve sipariş karşılama oranlarını optimum seviyede tutarak maliyetleri düşürür.

İşlemlerin Maksimum Verimliliği

Hataların, beklemelerin ve gereksiz taşımaların minimize edilmesiyle süreçler üzerinde tam kontrol sağlar.

Üretim Günleme ve Lotlama

En büyük zorluklardan biri olan üretim günlemesi ve sıralama-lotlama konularında optimum çözümler sunar.

Hızlı ve Doğru Müşteri Yanıtları

Firma içi düzeni ve standardizasyonu teşvik ederek, müşteri taleplerine anında cevap verme kapasitesi kazandırır.

Entegre Tedarik Zinciri

İlk halkadan son halkaya kadar tüm süreçlere odaklanarak esnek bir tedarik zinciri oluşturulmasını sağlar.

Automotive and Supply Industry

Automotive and automotive supply industry are sectors where competition and constant change are intense. They need innovative solutions and continuous development to survive in the global arena. In this complex environment, Novalab brings a breath of fresh air to the sector with xS Planner's pioneering "Interactive Planning" feature. By reviewing all processes from the beginning to the end of the supply chain, it allows automotive companies to create a fast, flexible and customer-oriented structure.
While automotive manufacturers employ complex plants with the capability to manufacture many different parts, they also require the help of a vast array of support industries. This complexity, coupled with the dynamic and competitive nature of the automotive markets, places an enormous stress on the planning processes of automotive manufacturers and support industries.

For automotive manufacturers, smoothing the flow of cars on assembly lines usually constitutes one of the main planning priorities. Furthermore, operations scheduling for other workshops to ensure that parts are supplied to the assembly lines on time with maximum efficiency is another important planning activity. Many different constraints such as sequencing constraints, supplier capacity constraints and maximum-minimum quantity per day constraints must be considered while generating a plan with desired characteristics.

For support industries, the process starts with identifying what has changed from the requirements received from the previous period and to determine whether any corrective actions are required due to identified changes. Then depending on the nature of the parts supplied and related manufacturing processes, assembly line based planning approaches such as production leveling and/or detailed factory operations scheduling approaches may be employed. For example, the operations of many different parts suppliers are dominated by injection molding and pressing processes. For such suppliers detailed factory operations scheduling can provide important benefits in terms of minimizing lost times and increasing throughput. The system must be able to handle many different operational limitations such as the availability of molds, the number of teams available for changeovers which may change depending on the shift and affects the number of possible changeovers to be executed simultaneously, the number of operators available which affects the number of machines that can be run simultaneously, minimum lot quantities and raw material availability. Furthermore, safety stock levels with different target levels (maximum safety stock level scenario, minimum safety stock level scenario etc.) must be considered while satisfying orders from OEMs with tight and constantly changing deadlines.

Due to the complex nature and the output of these planning processes, sometimes it may be difficult to understand the implications of a given plan. NovaLab’s planning software, xS Planner, provides interactive raw material requirements plan view with the help of an embedded MRP module in addition to warnings related to various aspects of the plan such as late orders and a dashboard for KPIs.


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